Labor trafficking in supply chains
Introduction Labor Trafficking and a Scavanger Hunt Activity
Following is a presentation to help students understand what supply chains are and how they can contribute to human trafficking
The presentation includes instructions on an interactive game for the children to further understand supply chains and reflect on their own consumption habits and how they can help fight human trafficking.
There are also a few suggestions on how the teacher could further help the class reflect on this topic.
Presentation: Labor trafficking in global supply chains
Worksheet: Scavenger hunt
Approximetly: 45 minutes
Case studies
The presentation includes an introduction on three types of industries who have been exploited by human traffickers: Fast Fashion, Agriculture and Mining
Presentation: Real-Life Examples of Labor Trafficking in Global Industries
Approximetly 20 minutes
Discussion questions
Labor Trafficking in Global Supply Chains
Personal Connection:
How has this activity changed your understanding of the supply chain process?
Did any group’s challenges or motivations surprise you? Why?
Critical Thinking:
How does consumer demand for cheap products contribute to labor trafficking?
What actions can you take as an individual to reduce exploitation in global supply chains?
Worksheet: Scavenger Hunt
What was the most surprising fact you discovered during the scavenger hunt?
Did any of the information you found contradict what you previously believed about labor trafficking?
How can the knowledge you gained today be applied to advocacy efforts or your daily life?
Real-Life Case Study Summaries
What emotions did you feel when learning about the case studies? Why?
How do these real-life stories impact your understanding of labor trafficking?
What similarities and differences do you notice among the cases?
How do systemic factors like laws, culture, or economic pressures influence these stories?